Sunday, January 4, 2009

there are two types of expenses that make up everybody's spending.
the fixed and the variable
the fixed are the rent or mortgage, the car payment, and the usual bills -- the non-negotiables
the variable are the groceries, gas, entertainment, clothing, etc.
(this is concept most widely promoted by the popular slice show "til debt do us part" )

watch episodes of the show or apply to be on the show and earn up to $5000 to help pay down your debt by following the show's links below

the thought is that the variable are the ones we can play with to free up extra money
the truth is, the fixed can be trimmed too (in case you feel like the variable can't be cut anymore) -- take a look at which bills can be trimmed back on or look at your housing costs and see if there is a cheaper alternative

i will post lots of ideas for how to cut back on your variable spending, but in the end a lot of it has to do with state of mind -- for if you truly want to implement frugal living, the internet is awash with suggestions, yours for the googling

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