Sunday, January 11, 2009


I am in love with romanticized versions of hard times -- (any books on The Great Depression or books like "A Moveable Feast") -- maybe because no one talks about an empty pantry so the books and movies that do make deprivation feel that much less lonely.
And especially because having kids means that you cannot walk around talking about feeling broke so you are pressed to conjure up a different version of the difficulties of adult life to carry the kids, unstressed, into adulthood.
One of the most dreaded tasks, next to tallying up bills you cannot pay, is making a grocery list you have no funds to execute.
My suggestions in this event:

make a "greedy guts" list -- anything you want (gourmet groceries, organic cleaning supplies, more houseplants) everytime you think of something you cannot afford today but want, write it down. Keep it separate from your trip to the store list. The idea is that whenever there is even the smallest amount of money left over after the necessities are taken care of (or even occasionally if your morale needs it, even if they are not entirely taken care of) pick something little off the list and treat yourself specifically. Mindful spending lasts longer. (and nothing feels worse than when you don't even enjoy something you can't really afford)

make a pantry inventory. mix and match ingredients to form new recipes with fabulously distracting names. set the table nice and watch your hungry family celebrate the every day (if they happen to turn up their noses, wait til more hungry, supplement with ketchup and offer again -- tomato infused bedtime snack anyone?)

most of all -- keep your sense of humour and your wits about you. and remember --

the crisis of the day will change, but the big picture will not

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